East Bay School-to-Career Partnership
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East Bay STC Partnership Contacts

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East Bay STC Contacts

Celebrating East Bay's Best Practices

East Bay Scrap Book

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The East Bay School-to-Career Partnership represents an effort to reform education that combines high-level academic achievment with a graduated understanding of the world of work to communities that include: Barrington, Bristol/Warren, East Providence, Little Compton, MIddletown, Newport, Portsmouth, and Tiverton

East Bay School-to-Career Partnership
877 Broadway
East Providence, RI 02914
(401)222-2090 x116 & x112
Fax: (401)222-1476
Upcoming Events
ESCALATES Planning Meeting

July, 5, 2001
Network RI
Warren, RI

8:30 AM - 10:30 AM

ESCALTES Summer Institute
Barrington High School
Barrington, RI

August 6th & 7th
Community Bulletin Board

Want to see what others are doing and saying or do you have anything you want to share with our partners? Check out our Community Bulletin Board.

Community Bulletin Board

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